“I'm through with all pawn-games,” I laughed. “Come, let us have a game of lansquenet. Either I will take a farewell fall out of you or you will have your sevenfold revenge”.
In this way, the prestigious German pandectist science greatly influenced not only continental systems, but also English law and indirectly even American law.
The prerogative of God extendeth as well to the reason as to the will of man ; so that as we are to obey his law though we find a reluctation in our will , so we are to believe his word
I should be quite prepared to see it crowded with the portly forms of a number of London draymen, porters, footmen, etc., with a proportional number of cooks, kitchenmaids, and other specimens of the area belle , all as plump, blooming, and buxom as "forty ounces of solids,” mulcified with twenty ounces of milk, and the whole washed down with “either half a pint of port, sherry, or Marsala; or one pint of Burgundy, claret, or other similar wine;