I would gladly cõſẽt to thẽ yͭ holde yͭ yͤ herbe wich is called of the apothecaries feniculũ tortuoſum⸝ of yͤ Northẽ Engliſhe mẽ ſpiknel⸝ of the Duche mẽ berwurtz⸝ is yͤ true mew, if yͭ I could fynd any ſpicknel or berwurtz yͭ were of ij. cubites hygh. I would gladly consent to them that hold that the herb which is called of the apothecaries feniculum tortuosum, of the Northern Englishmen spiknel, of the Dutchmen berwurtz, is the true mew, if that I could find any spicknel or berwurtz that were of two cubits high.