October 31, I attended a tea which followed a meeting of the committee making plans for the annual joint dachshund specialty show at Tattershalls next April, which I believe with its 1938 turnout of 279 dachshunde, toppped our 1937 record of 276 dachshunde, and held the world record until our 311 set a new high a few weeks later.[…]The two-day show ended when Enno Meyer, Milford, Ohio, awarded the most coveted trophy to the dachshund.
We left Foochow after an early breakfast, and after half an hour on a boat ferry that took us from the city environs across the Min River and up a tributary, we landed in Minhou county, and took the highway that led across Yungtai county to Tehua.
A borable and nailable concrete is obtained by first mixing 1 part of lime and 16-18 parts sand to form a lime mortar, and this is ground before it has completely set and then mixed with one part of cement.
Is your personal castle so constructed to offer a bird's eye view of the world? (Yes, I, Norgana can gaze out across the entire wingdom.*)