The folds, where sheepe at night doe seat.
That does not mean life as normal, or life as pre-11 Sept. I sincerely hope every USAian has a different perspective now of the world we live in, of the very real threat of terrorism.
But weddings are stressful, and it makes sense to take a day or two after saying “I do” to relax and make mad, passionate love (read: sleep in and watch TV). So consider a minimoon: a quick two-night getaway close to home.
Finally, he says that the vespertine or second stations of the planets, especially those posited in the I.C. [4th House], and in the case of Mercury and Venus, when they are vespertine in day charts but matutine in night charts, signify temperaments that are ingenious, capable of hard work, and able to discern arcane matters, such as are seen in the nativities of magicians, prestidigitators, dream interpreters, and so on.