That records Plutarch’s view of engineering, not Arkhimedes’. Plutarch is also wrong: Arkhimedes ‘deigned’ to write a work On sphere-making (which is lost), and The Method (which was rediscovered in 1906). Arkhimedes developed some of his mathematics using a mechanical method, based on the lever principle, by which he could discover mathematical results, which he then set about proving. Moreover, it is highly significant that Arkhimedes wrote about his method.
It would be beyond the purpose of these Notices to enumerate all those who have been connected with Deddington, and have attained distinction, for several of those who have obtained a grant of the manor from time to time have their place in the history of England, some of them being of the royal family, or queens-consorts.
Frazier had him on Queer Street in the 11th round. ... He was glad he got off Queer Street.
Certain forms of liberal theology extol the fatherhood of God but (like Islam) reduce Jesus to the status of a prophet and regard the Holy Spirit as an impersonal force. There is also a kind of “Jesusanity” that ignores the Son's relationship to the Father and the Holy Spirit.