“My, my! It is indeed a long way yet, look you!” said the pleasant woman of whom I sought directions.
The Mahovo is the name given by the inventor, Captain C. Von Schubersky, of Russia, to an adaption of the fly-wheel to accumulate a reserve of force to be used at intervals when a greater power is needed.
She broke into a snatch of a burlesque ditty which used to be popular a good many years ago—'The Continong, the Continong, oh, I am for the Continong!' And a good job, too! If I were to stay in England, you would be running off to meet me somewhere or other every ten days or so, and the cat would very likely be let out of the bag.
So, the point of this discussion is not just about the value of proofreading or the intrusion of netspeak—it's about the mistake of not understanding their impact on our ability to communicate with the customer.