Meet me at the slopshoot
On the old Wangpoo
Bring along your dipnet
There's enough for two.
We'll have mashed potatoes
And some Navy stew
Meet me at the slopshoot
On the old Wangpoo
He's mother henning and driving me crazy.
Nineteenth century Amsterdam can be approached in two different ways: as an isolated period, with its jumble of styles and strange, new building commissions such as stations, circusses and industrial palaces, or as a period in which specifically after about 1860 the foundations of the period 1900-1940 are laid, the period in which Dutch architecture played a leading role for a short while.
Although he permitted slap on the wrist against the procurement personnel who misprocured on the basis of incorrect technical information, he did nothing against those technical personnel who perpetrated misconceptions and disseminated statements which were inaccurate, unproven, inconsistent and who were biased against JRL interests and who thus misled these procurement personnel.