And now when at length the Vineyard has ſhed its late Leaves, and the cold Northwind ſhook from the Groves their Honours; even then the active Swain extends his Cares to the enſuing Year, and cloſe plys the deſolate forſaken Vine, cutting off the ſuperfluous Roots with Saturn's crooked Hook, and forms it by pruning.
Shafter was also deficient in field artillery, the arm traditionally used to soften up defensive positions before an assault. This weakness was partially remedied on 1 July by a well-handed battery of rapid-fire Gatling guns, the first significant use of such weapons by the United States Army.
Note that, in this case, the investor has to rebalance his portfolio after each trading day to “corrigate” the daily price shifts of the invested stocks.
We had a good deal of comment about growing bananas on Pikes Peak in connection with the upper Colorado project. Engineeringly that is feasible; economically it is not.