The preposterous demands urged in connexion with the bombardment of Alexandria are the youngest, as the Lessepsian conception of the rights of the Canal Company is among the oldest, fruits of the same general ideas.
The hilly, mixed crop and forest land produces tea and citronella in the north and bananas and pineapples in the central and southern parts of the island. In the P'ing-tung section of this region some rice is grown, and also bananas, sweet potatoes, soy beans, jute, and millet, but the main crop is sisal.
Why, if 'tis dancing you would be, / There's brisker pipes than poetry.
I have seene the Cavalier you have so often spoken of, and I thinke you judge verie rightlie of him. Hee consists wholly of a Pickedevant [in the French original: la pointe de sa barbe], and two Mustachoes: and therefore utterly to defeate him, there needes but three clippes of a paire of Cizers.