I'm gonna get them doors open if it harelips everybody on Bear Creek!
Edward Blamey and some of his friends had stuffed a toy cannon with powder and wadded newspapers, and they touched it off right in the middle of Judge J. T. Day's speech, and then they ran like whiteheads when they saw the constable coming . ran long and lightly and youthfully with their pockets filled with torpedoes and Chinese crackers and squibs . . . three cheers for the Red, White and Blue!
The English Cooks keep all their Spices in separate boxes, but the French Cooks make a spicey mixture that does not discover a predominancy of any one of the spices over the others.
The glistening path where weeds had clung, / And tumbled bushes lay, / Was hidden now, but yet there rung / Tones of an autumned May.[…]And cheers rang out, the song and shout, / For the fray had found its eve, / And pirate chief like autumned leaf, / O’er fallen pride did grieve!”