When you hit a shot and it really feels good, you claim that you have hit the sweet spot. But can this feeling be quantified? […] Do some rackets have a sweet spot that is sweeter than that of other rackets, or is the size of the sweet spot the only relevant consideration?
I have previously pointed out that while there is an obvious difference in the pelves between panines and hominines, there are also differences in the usual number of lumbar vertebrae, so in the position of the sacrum.
This region is also rich in numbers and diversity of pinnipeds, including the odobenine walrus and four species of otariine or eared seals (the northern and southern fur seals, the California and Steller sea lions).
The setting was the youth league baseball try-outs in the small town of Boland, New Hampshire. Also in attendance at the try-outs was John Harding, a hometown hero who, together with his wife, Sally, and their soon-to-be 8-year-old son, Rick, had only recently returned to Boland to settle down and begin John's tenure as the President and CEO of Millennium International, one of the largest computer companies in the country.