The Brazilian negroes—melanoderms—in general have 1 ᵐ,64 in height. The curve shows another point of density about 1 ᵐ,73. The cephalic index of our melanoderms was a surprise: 81, 84, brachycephalic.
The motions of this odd Liquor were not only various, but frequently Vortical; to be satisfyed of which I sometimes put short bits of straw, or Fragments of some such like stuff, upon the discovered part of the surface of the Liquor, by which they were carryed towards very distant, if not opposite, parts of the Vessel at the same time.
In this respect, three types of 2 colors Rib structure (backstripes jacquard, twillback jacquard and double-layered 3x3 rib fabric) have been presented and tested for tensile strength and elongation on three directions.
Yes, I'm a shipper! I feel that M and S secretly love each other, but can't express their feelings right now due to their partnership. so I'm technically a finishipper!