Three numbers were taken from “The Shocking Miss Pilgrim,” a 1947 Betty Grable movie whose musical score consisted of posthumously lyricized George Gershwin tunes.
Tell me, he demanded, how to throw a man over my head and break his neck, for I am going to kill you, and I wish to know this thing before you die. Of all the ingenuous declarations I have ever heard, this one copped the proverbial bun.
A jug band, for those who haven't had the pleasure, is a band composed of unusual instruments which plays old timey jazz, country blues and folk music. The instruments in the Kweskin band, which are typical, include guitar, mandolin, banjo, fiddle, jug, washtub bass, washboard, kazoo, and penny whistle.
Money's coming through any day from the Belgies — it's all in order, paper work, all that — but we need to put up a bit extra just now. Before it comes through.