In the expectation that such would be the case, I came but slightly attended, sending most of my people with the heavy baggage by sea to the Indus, and I took every precaution to render the tax of my support as light as possible, by furnishing a memorandum of the number of persons composing my suite, and limiting the amount of supplies each should receive.
In 1977, the institute moved into new facilities at Wufeng, Taichung Hsien, in central Taiwan. At Wufeng, it has an experimental farm of 128 hectares, four laboratory buildings, an administration building, 12 greenhouses, and a number of auxiliary buildings.
Beefarm Sites and Ranges, 25. […] Ask questions in next A.B.K. for a remedy for prickled blood. A number of beefarms in Victoria are suffering from it this year.
Squat and gnome-like it looked, silhouetted against the dying fire in the western sky; an odd, elfin-eared, pink-handed, hunchbacked manikin with a tail.