Attempting (and failing) to Expose Homosexuality In The Nazi Party and in the process, exposing Heterofascism in America.
The high impact derives from the farmstock fodder grown with chemicals, transport fuels, and the potent greenhouse gas methane from belching cattle and sheep.
Two miles beyond the eastermost town there are black rocks, which continue to the uttermost cape or point of the land for the space of a league, after which the land runs E.N.E. Some negroes came down to these black rocks, whence they waved a white flag for us to land; but as we were near the principal town, we continued our course along shore, and when we had opened the point of land we perceived another head-land about a league farther on, having a rock lying off to sea, which was thought to be the place of which were in search.
a radical quantity; a radical sign