Give us long rest or death, dark death or dreamful ease!
The actors carry off this farce with the usual crude camp, semaphore gestures, shameless hamminess, and heavy ogling.
For all these cases clinical science has long since felt in need of a diagnostical method which would assist the medical man in his clinical diagnosis.
Since the last elections of 2008 and 2009, VMRO has gained the absolute power in the country and the city of Skopje. Its political agenda is dominated by a nationalist discourse, which is excluding and marginalizing the minorities in the country (25% Albanians, 4% Turks, 3% Roma, 2% Serbians, 1% Bosnians, 1% Aromunians) and includes the attempt to “antiquitize” the Macedonian nation, the glorification of Macedonia and the Macedonians, the glorification of VMRO and the neglecting of the Ottoman and Yugoslavian heritage.