[T]he accidens of Alcumy I will ſweare it is, be it but for that experiment of his ſmoaking alone, and which is a ſecret that all Tapſters will curſe mee for blabbing, in his ſkinne there is plaine witchcraft, for doe but rubbe a kanne or quarte pot round about the mouth wyth it, let the cunningeſt lickeſpiggot ſwelt his heart out, the beere ſhal neuer foame or froath in the cupp, whereby to deceyue men of their meaſure, but be as ſetled as if it ſtoode al night.
Diagnosing IE can be straightforward in patients with the typical oslerian manifestations such as bacteremia, evidence of active valvulitis, peripheral emboli, and immunologic vascular phenomena.
The children were required to dump all of their Halloween candy on the table so that their parents could apportion it among them.
The entire human and most of the animal and vegetable genetic stock now found in Britain and Ireland arrived (and continues to arrive) over the last 12,000 years. That fact alone, it is suggested, offers a new longue duree (or ‘timescape’) for population history.