... with their “prickers” and “hoblers” armed in “coats of mail, briganders, palets or roundels, vanbrases, and rerebrases, and using horns and clarions." In this portentous and lively fashion they moved on to the borders […]
A dayly exercyſe, and experyẽce of deth / all duely corrected by the ſelfe auctour, and nowe prynted trewely. The ſayd auctour requyred me inſtantly that I ſhulde nat prynte nor ioyne any other werkes vnto his. Specially of vncertayne auctours.
Hui-ning and Hoi Ryöng (42° 22' N and 129° 43' E) was a city on the T'u-men River, which the Chinese in Ninguta used as their main market for trade with the Koreans (LPCL 3, 4b).
The cytoskeleton is a dynamic arrangement of actin filaments that maintain cell shape and are vital in mediating the mechanobiological response of the cell.