Both groups also contained mostly men (74 percent of the workshop group and 80 percent of the nonworkshop group).
Sensorimotor polyneuropathy was diagnosed by electroneurography (ENG) with slightly reduced nerve conduction velocities and increased F wave latencies.
The effect of the ſtatute of 16 R. 2 [Statute of Praemunire (16 Ric. II, chapter 5)] is, if any purſue or cauſe to be purſued in the court of Rome, or elſewhere, any thing with toucheth the king, againſt him, his crowne and regality, or his realme, their notaries, procurators, &c. fautors, &c. ſhall be out of the kings protection.
In his work at St Bartholomew's Hospital and Great Ormond Street in London, Garrod had come across a number of patients with a rare and not very serious disease, known as alkaptonuria.