A large wooden frame, composed of a series of mouldings, which are one foot seven inches and seven tenths wide, encloses six (not five as represented by Messrs. Taylor and Cresy), bronze “latrated” panels, thus admitting air into the interior of the building and keeping up a ventilation, even when the doors are closed. […] These impressions lead to the conclusion, that the restorers of the Pantheon, guided by some example now no longer in existence, adopted the doors and latrated panels over them from some ancient monument, and filled up the vacant space by an arrangement, such as we now see it.
1657, Jeremy Taylor, Discourse of the Nature, Offices and Measures of Friendship
It showed the lights of a city at night, viewed from great height, as if the room were the penthouse suite of a spacescraper. A huge black bed dominated the far wall. It was only a foot off the floor. “Amazing!” Arakaki exclaimed.
In an earlier report we described HCV-derived small non-coding RNA, vmr11 that displayed protooncogenic properties by blocking nuclear translocation of PTEN protein, and inducing γ H2AX, a marker of DNA double strand breaks [ 14 ].