[…] one of these birds came wheeling and screaming round his head in a maze of untrackably swift circlings.
The initial points p₀, p₁, and p₂ are called control points of the Bézier curve. […] The process outlined above for the generation of a quadratic Bézier curve from its three control points can be generalized for more control points in a straightforward manner.
Resulting confusion matrices were analyzed for significant confusions among consonants; these confusions were grouped into mutually exclusive classes termed visemes.
Patavig is the second of the Macedon system's giant terrestrial planets, and by far the more interesting. Most of the surface is covered by a vast sea of liquid ammonia, in which a unique aquatic ammonia-based biosphere has developed. While the frozen continents are largely bereft of life, a rich bounty of complex organisms — many larger than a human — flourish in the chilly, toxic seas.