'Notably intrusive for its bulk and massing in a dominant position is the urban wall of the Cotton Building,' commented a City Council-commissioned report on protecting the integrity of the urban skyline and view shafts in the mid-1980s.
We afterwards learned that this is spelled Dalgety, but it is considered rather vulgar, in Scotland, to pronounce the names of persons and places as they are written. When, therefore, I allude to the cook, which shall be as seldom as possible, I shall speak of her as Miss Diggety-Dalgety.
The term lipomelanotic reticulosis was created by Pautrier and Woringer' in 1937, to describe lipomelanotic deposits in enlarged lymph nodes; the condition was associated with certain generalized dermatoses.
As fun as fish are to watch, they require a lot of fish food, and fish food makes fish poop, and pooping fish make for a stanky tank after too long. Just say no to stanky tanks.