I am much consoled by the reflection that the religion of Christ has been attacked in vain by all the wits and philosophers, and its triumph has been complete.
Overcoming the gravity of representation and the figurative, automatism and acquired reflexes, she mixes brute force and translucid emotions to paint an ontological, disquieting, enigmatic human figure free from artifice, universal in its expression.
The Prudential, which had a vicissitous youth, has arrived at a fortune that has established its name in every part of the world and carried its President into the United States Senate.
[…] Europæans are admitted to the Natches, as these fêtes are termed, without scruple; but officers in uniform are received with peculiar distinction, a visit from them being looked upon as a great favour. As soon as they enter, the master of ceremonies ushers them forward to the post of honour, next to Doorga, and after they have sate down sprinkles them over with âta of roses. […]