And Quack and Dupe, as we must ever keep in mind, are upper-side and under of the self-same substance; convertible personages: turn up your dupe into the proper fostering element, and he himself can become a quack; […]
If the afternoon was fine they strolled together in the park, very slowly, and with pauses to draw breath wherever the ground sloped upward. The slightest effort made the patient cough.
I also fear, added Lady Anne, "that some improper overture, some absolutely shocking eclaircissement will follow your acceptance of the present you speak of, and which has been so lavishly given, as to derogate from the duchess's stand exceedingly, and will, therefore, mortify her,...
Forty years ago, endoscopy of the digestive tract only had a negligible role in the diagnosis and treatment of digestive diseases, with the exception of rectoscopy and laparoscopy.