For three of the four regions, the number and rate of procedures was higher in inpatient than in ambulatory settings, but in the Midwest the differences between settings were not statistically significant.
One resident recalled that Norwood had a musky, vinegary, railroady smell. It was a mixture of the smells of raw sheepskins and oakbark acid […] and coal smoke, and it was a characteristic of the town.
It is a world where nothing is lost, where all is accounted for and yet the mystery of things is preserved; a world where they may live, however briefly, however tenuously, in the failing evening of the self, solitary and yet together somehow here in this place, dying as they may be and yet fixed forever in a luminous, unending instant.
When however the first flush of our surprize is over we cannot fail to perceive that amid all this legerdemain there is a vast deal of nature united with that astonishing splendour of colouring which so many have tried to emulate.