[…] the loud-mouthed Furvert who had been annoying us the previous day.
The man, who with his right hand (or indeed with either, hand that by habit is the moſt dextrous) endeavours to help and aſſiſt another, exerts his whole ſtrength, and is generally enabled to compaſs his friendly deſign; or if a blow is neceſſary to be given, the dextrous hand hits the desired mark, and gives juſt the force deſigned; whereas a blow given through paſſion, with the aukwardneſs of a weak-handed ſtroke, may beat out an eye, flatten a noſe, or indeed aiming at an enemy may ſometimes hit a friend.
You mean that fartful old turd has money to buy Chinese horses, but is too cheap and dumb to buy any thing from me?
A test double is something that stands in for a real system when tests are being run. It comes from the idea of a double who stands in for the real actor when shooting a movie.