We see the immense, massive granite sarcophagi which had contained the embalmed mummies of the worshipped animals, coming out of this labyrinth, we pay our backsheesh, remount our donkeys and return to the automobile.
By a nice irony of archivism the estate papers of the family were deposited at the Bronte Parsonage Museum, and they provide the basis for this article.
Whether we see an underpaid Minister of War selling contracts for the supply of the army, and receiving bribes through the hands of his wife from the men to whom he pays out the public money, or the member of a nonpaid board jobbing for the execution of a lucrative contract for his nominee, the details bear a great family resemblance.
There have now been other colleges which have taken up comparable and analogous programs, all with, in my opinion, very beneficial results — beneficial upon requiring teachers to teach interdisciplinarily, interdepartmentally, to confer more fully on how they were teaching and what the results were, and very provocative and heartening for the students in arousing and broadening their vision of what higher education ought for them to be about and to yield.