In certain instances we were estranged from denominational boardsmen by their sensitivity to professional prerogative.
And then, ſince Mr. Gaſcoin tells you, That the Experiment being of it ſelf extraordinary and ſurprizing , and beſides uſhering in new Principles into Opticks, quite contrary to the common and received , it will be hard to perſwade it as a truth, till it be made ſo viſible to all as it were a ſhame to deny it: if he eſteem it ſo extraordinary , he may have the priviledg of making it ſo viſible to all , that it will be a ſhame to deny it.
So in five cases, due to improper seatment of pins in distal fragment, pins penetrated towards patellar region damaging articular cartilage.
The term can designate both a street or a houseblock surrounded by streets and, by extension, a town quarter. The latter is by far the commonest meaning of the term.