By contrast, in the utopic vision of Hilton and Capra it is space which is traversed and not time; both utopic and dystopic exist in the same moment but occupy a different terrain.
In Œdogonium, varies as are the conditions between monœcious, gynandrosporous, and diœcious, under which the essential elements concerned in the reproduction present themselves, there seems to be still less difference, on the whole, in form and size of the spermatozoid and the oogonium themselves, than in the other cases adverted to.
For the longest while, the loss didn't seem real. For going on four hours, I'd done pretty much what I wanted to on that mound. I couldn't just shut that off, now that we had finally breathed our last.
The Turkish waivode resides in it — a personage with little real authority, who may be considered in the light of a referendee, or of a gate that a man puts up in his own road to establish his claim thereto.