Elegant brick and stone buildings, with iron and glass canopies and decorative wooden scalloping and fencing—all evidencing care on the part of the architect to produce a pleasing, well-planned building—were submerged beneath a profusion of ill-conceived additions and camouflaged by vulgar paint schemes; and the original conception was lost.
The Western Line starts from Jingsha River (the upstream of Yangtze River), Daduhe River and Yalong River (both of them are branches of the Yangtze River), passes the Qingzang Plateau through many tunnels under mountains before entering the upstream of the Yellow River at a length of 300 kilometres to supply water to Gansu, Ningxia, Shaanxi and Shanxi (see Map 1).
We also characterize the pseudoumbilical ones in terms of soliton curves for the inverse curve shortening flow and minimal Legendrian immersions in odd-dimensional spheres.
No probs, although I dunno why you'd want to go in there in the first place...bunch of weirdos in there....whaddya mean I've been seen there? Ah..erm...IGMC.