In order to clarify the practical conditions of felicity of the scientific life, we might also reverse the view of Callicles, who only values the agoraphilia of the politician or rhetoretician, and take positively his list of negatives: that philosophy is something for children, not for mature grown-ups, that philosophers lack practical experience, play games, do not know how to address public meetings: in sum, that they are impractical, strange, other-worldly.
An obviously bleached blonde, thick pancake makeup flaking powderily off deep furrowed wrinkles on her face, confronted me.
Although the maximum difference in structure is obtained in the partial radial distribution function (rdf) of the B type of particles, the rdf of AA pairs and AB pairs give rise to the differences in the entropy and dynamics.
The sea-reach of the Thames stretched before us like the beginning of an interminable waterway.