The stamen is called the male and the pistil the female organ. This doctrine constituting the foundation of the Linean system, though but recently established upon the basis of logical induction is by no means novel.
The following is a snippet from the UnShortEmAll Greasemonkey script, which unshortens the shortened URLs in Twitter […]
He's not at home, and won't be this side of eleven o'clock. He've been forced to go over to Yalbury since shutting out work. I shall do quite as well.
Everlasting, or Solid, Syllabubs. Mix a quart of thick raw cream, one pound of refined sugar, a pint and a half of fine raisin wine, in a deep pan; put to it the grated peel and the juice of three lemons. Beat, or whisk it one way, half an hour; then put it on a sieve with a bit of muslin laid smooth in the shallow end till next day. Put it in glasses. It will keep good, in a cool place, ten days.