The term ephebophilia seems to have been coined by Magnus Hirschfeld in his Wesen der Liebe (1906), where he applied to sexually mature youths from puberty up to the age of 20; in his 1914 magnum opus, Die Homosexualitat des Mannes und des Weibes, Hirschfeld specified the range of love objects as from the beginning to the completion of maturity, so approximately ages 14-21. The German research estimated that 45 of all homosexuals were ephebophiles. For women, he used the term parthenophiles.
The authors propose that the diagnosis of ephebophilia, which is a sexual attraction to pubescent or post-pubescent males, is better suited to the sample of Catholic priests in the John Jay study.
There was a time that the only verdicts a jury could return were proven or not proven. While the verdict of proven has long since been replaced, that of not proven has survived the test of time.
I blame the new hard line on welfare for driving driving the vitally challenged onto the streets instead of leaving them in State run graveyards
The road snakes through the mountains.