Counterhegemonic spaces imagined as bounded territories ensure that heteronormativity is fixed beyond the borders of the gay ghetto. The rural and suburban lives of lesbian and gay people are made invisible and signified as inauthentic.
His latest book, “Landscaping With Fruit” (Storey, 2009), dives into the world of the little-known lingonberry, clove currant, maypop, shipova, hardy kiwi and other fruits that are easy to grow, he says, and as delicious as they are ornamental.
And the very next page of ‘Femalia’ offered her a more practical answer. Food fads, swore the copy, this time built around a broad sporting the narrowest of bras, didn’t help any. What you needed was a spot reducer, guaranteed to milk you clean of all your unwanted fat.
In Yun-lin, lying to the east of Chaughwa, there are one or two Chinese hongs engaged in the camphor business. These hongs give employment altogether to six camphor distilleries, the only ones at present in the place. Foreign merchants are anxious to start a business in Yun-lin, but are prevented by the action of the so-called Camphor Office, the official in charge asserting that under the camphor regulations of 1869 foreign merchants or their Chinese employes are allowed to purchase camphor up country, but that no provision is made for their employing natives to distil camphor; that, in consequence, unless they can purchase camphor from the distilleries already at work they cannot be permitted to engage in the business, as to hire labor for the distilling of camphor is contrary to the regulations since made by the governor of the island.