Described by witnesses as a keen cricketer and pubgoer until contacts with Islamic militants radicalized him on a trip to Pakistan, he was ordered to serve at least 14 years for the plot, and for supplying militants in Afghanistan with money and equipment.
As in most speeches, exaggeration and embellishment were standard devices by which the laudator amplified his subject's virtues or vices.
In contrast to Titus' emissarial role, which clearly champions Paul's apostleship, Timothy's emissarial roles involve general oversight of the well- being of the churches to which he is sent.
Since the mid-1980s, when Indonesia first began to clear its bountiful forests on an industrial scale in favour of lucrative palm-oil plantations, “haze” has become an almost annual occurrence in South-East Asia. The cheapest way to clear logged woodland is to burn it, producing an acrid cloud of foul white smoke that, carried by the wind, can cover hundreds, or even thousands, of square miles.