You're using too many colloquial words in this cover letter: I suggest changing I picked up loads of cool skills to I acquired a great deal of positive abilities
... of many thousand gallons of Burtonized water being daily pumped up from the beds, and allowed to run off without being applied to any special purpose.
Whereupon, by reason also that Winter was come vpon them, and foule weather increased with fogs and mists that so couered the land, as without danger of perishing they could not approch it: Sir Humfrey Gilbert and M. Hays were compelled much against their willes to retyre homewards: And being 300. leagues on their way, were after by tempestuous weather separated the one from the other, the ninth of September last, since which time M. Hays with his Barke is safely arriued, but of Sir Humfrey as yet they heare no certaine newes.