I could a Tale vnfold, vvhoſe lighteſt vvord / VVould harrovv vp thy ſoule, freeze thy young blood, / Make thy tvvo eyes like Starres, ſtart from their Spheres, / Thy knotty and combined locks to part, / And each particular haire to ſtand an end, / Like Quilles vpon the fretfull Porpentine: […]
Let him see one of the little white beds where he will sleep after you return home, the sunny dining room where he will eat his morning porridge and his Sunday ice cream; the playground full of rollicksome youngsters, with whom he will seesaw and play tag by and by, and the busy schoolroom, where so many delightful and interesting things are sure to happen.
It then follows that if A is a graded ring over a local ring, A is a homomorphic image of a polynomial ring over a regular local ring. For the sake of brevity, we refer to a graded polynomial ring over a regular local ring simply as a graded polynomial ring.
Dhava beat the crowd to the sweets counter and was back within minutes with two boxes of Black Magic chocolates, which he handed to Sharda.