The temperatures at which decalescence occurs vary with the amount of carbon in the steel, and are also higher for high-speed steel than for ordinary crucible steel.
Briefly, the adoption of calcar is a logical corollary of the recommendation which is common to the reports of all four American committees, vi., Other things being equal, it is recommended that mononyms be preferred to polynyms. Calcar avis is a polyonym ; calcar is a mononym. If it be said that unguis is also a mononym, the answer is that in this case other things would not be equal, because (1) no general preference has ever been shown for it or for any term of which it is a constituent; (2) there would be lost the advantage of the correlation now existing between the ental ridge and the fissure collacated therewith.
He was a model of anal defensiveness: fastidious in his dress and appearance, a collector and putter of things in order, a classifier and labeler.