It was vainly hoped that New Cross bank might bring her to a standstill, but not a bit of it; Forest Hill was passed, and on the level the engine began gaily to accelerate.
Ălāzon, ŏnos, m., // I. a river in Albania, now Alasan, Plin. 6, 10, 11, § 29; Val. Fl. 6, 102.
Minister allows change of use of Aylesbury premises from rôtisserie to fried fish shop. / Permission for the change of use from a rôtisserie to a fried fish shop of premises in Weedon Road, Aylesbury, consent for which had been refused by the planning authority, has been granted by the Minister of Housing and Local Government, on appeal. […] The proposal in the application is in effect to turn a rôtisserie, which is a shop within Class 1 of the Schedule to the Town and Country Planning (Use Classes) Order 1963, into a fried fish shop falling within exception (1) to that Class.
The Taliban have only about 40,000 men under arms.