He developed a special interest in coconut cultivation after witnessing the success of some farmers who made huge money only to get his fingers burnt.
Only—Ashraf didn't know any Italian neopronouns. He'd left Italy when he was barely out himself, and far too upset and raw to mix with other trans people. He'd never met an Italian speaker who used neutral or neopronouns, […]
Now, we had not been looking about us above five minutes when, happening to glance aft past the helmsman, I saw the ocean not above half a mile distant white as milk: the forestretch of it was about two miles long; how wide it went back I could not say, …
RIGHT Honourable, It was my good happe not longe since, in a Friends House, to light vpon a briefe History of the Life, Arraignement, and Death of that Mirrour of all true Honour, and Vertue Syr Thomas More, who by his Wisdome, Learning, & Santity, hath eternized his Name, Coutrey, & Profession, throughout the Christian World, with immortall Glory, and Renowne.