“You heard the sheriff yelling?” he said.
“Yes,” he said. You're in it now, aren't you, Aubrey? he thought. You're a big man, until you're not, until someone steps in your way and says, “Stop, in the name of the law.”
At length, one night, when the company by ſome accident broke up much ſooner than ordinary, ſo that the candles were not half burnt out, ſhe was not able to reſiſt the temptation, but reſolved to have them ſome way or other. Accordingly, as ſoon as the hurry was over, and the ſervants, as ſhe thought, all gone to ſleep, ſhe ſtole out of her bed, and went down ſtairs, naked to her ſhift as ſhe was, with a deſign to ſteal them […]
Johnie had become a problem for the advisers and baby deans in University Hall: men with marvelously Puritan names like Dana Cotton and Christopher Wadsworth called him in and asked what the trouble was.
A miniſter's ſtipend is paid by the heritors as follows: James Speers pays 3 bolls 3 firlots 1 peck 3 lippies oats, 2 bolls barley, and L. 3 : 15 : 4; …