By turns, and occasionally as it were by spontaneous connascence, were reflected on her speaking countenance, as on the clear and smooth surface of a bright mirror, the quick intelligence of a clever woman and the touching simplicity of an unsophisticated child, the vigorous energy of a heroine and the fascinating playfulness of a little fairy, the depth of mind that can penetrate and analyse everything and the inquisitiveness of heart to which all sensations are novel and interesting.
Thus motivated, he began to really distinguish himself as a pompous prat on Atrocities, Christian Death's darkhearted return to the somber cesspool of slow-paced grimness.
THEIR Royal Highnesses the Prince and Princess of Wales arrived in Benares at nine o’clock on Sunday morning, February 18th, 1906.
[…] there is neither house nor landes, nor great store of gold & siluer, nor honor and noblenes of blood, nor greatnes of office, and estate, nor the grace and vehemencie of speach, which doth so much lighten, and so sweetlie becalme the life of man, as an vndefiled conscience […]