He stood transfixed before the unaccustomed view of London at night time, a vast panorama which reminded him […] of some wood engravings far off and magical, in a printshop in his childhood. They dated from the previous century and were coarsely printed on tinted paper, with tinsel outlining the design.
The rhombic faces of one-third of the rhombicdodecahedra move outwards, resulting in octakaidecahedra (8), which are equivalent to, but larger than, those of figure 2.6(b).[…]If the square faces of the octakaidecahedra continue to grow, thereby shrinking the rhombohexagonal dodecahedra, a simple cubic unimodular structure survives as shown in figure 2.6(e).
The mere mention of baked brie cheese with sliced green apples, for example, conjures both exhilaration for a time when the melty treasure seemed the height of sophistication and the embarrassment of serving what, in retrospect, seems like the maxiskirt of the table.