I was hoping that, by volunteering at this refuge, I could make a difference, however small.
For carrying structures concrete must be expected to be used in the future, and if the concrete can be made nailfast and with a cement of a considerably quicker setting, it will satisfy the demands of to-day.
The varlet ſaw, when to the flood he came, / How without ſtop or ſtay he fiercely lept, / And deep himſelfe beducked in the ſame, / That in the lake his loftie creſt was ſteept, / Ne of his ſafetie ſeemed care he kept, / But with his raging armes he rudely flaſhd / The waves about, and all his armour ſwept, / That all the bloud and filth away was waſht, / Yet ſtill he bet the water, and the billows daſht.
Here, America’s wealthiest megabillionaires gather with the CEOs of America’s most powerful companies[…] to develop the social and business connections that allow the top 0.00001% of earners to continue to accumulate a share of our nation’s wealth that already exceeds the famously cartoonish inequality of the Gilded Age of Rockefeller and Carnegie.