The problem of triticale seed shrivelling was treated in another different way, by starting a process of plasmagenic mutagenesis that perhaps it is interesting to describe.
Investors face a quandary. Cash offers a return of virtually zero in many developed countries; government-bond yields may have risen in recent weeks but they are still unattractive. Equities have suffered two big bear markets since 2000 and are wobbling again. It is hardly surprising that pension funds, insurers and endowments are searching for new sources of return.
... Segathies, Callimancoes, Stuffs, Hats, Silk, Worsted, and Thread Stockings, Hollands, Cambricks, Lawns, Muslin, Dowlasses, Garlicks, Damask Table Linen, Diaper Ditto, several Sorts of Manchester Goods, English and Italian Mantuas, ...
At Newlyn each lubber kept a 4-oared boat at anchor, but at Mousehole 3-oared jolly-boats were preferred. These craft were left in charge of a yawler, a lad aged from 10 to 14, who was paid 1s. 6d. a week (fig. 3, inset).