In marked contrast, VZV subjected to freezedrying in buffered solutions without sugar consisted mainly of naked nucleocapsids, suggesting that residual moisture retained by the sugar seemed to prevent viral disenvelopment.
“Late come, late served, Mabel,” said her uncle, between mouthfuls of broiled salmon; […] “late come, late served; it is a good rule, and keeps laggards up to their work.” ¶ “I am no laggard, Uncle; for I have been stirring nearly an hour, and exploring our island.”
Yet concentration on the healthy baby to the exclusion of the stillbirth or neonatal death may encourage the mother to idealise the dead child (her angel baby) and hence alienate her from the survivor, […]
... depending on the kinds of speech children hear directed to them, they may first learn unanalyzed gestalts (e.g., social expressions like What's that? uttered as a single unit) instead of learning single words that are then freely recombined ...