Although there are dozens of different types of gems, among the best known and most important are […]. (Common gem materials not addressed in this article include amber, amethyst, chalcedony, garnet, lazurite, malachite, opals, peridot, rhodonite, spinel, tourmaline, turquoise and zircon.)
“I just want you to know that this whole Missteps thing has nothing to do with me or any of my staff.” A let-out of breath. “I don't know who it is, but it sounds like that letter to the editor from back when you were playing? […]”
Shall we stop the process of factoring at this point, or go on to test a third hypothesis? […] The question of when to stop factoring is one of the major points of controversy in factor analysis, and the criticisms which one factorist may direct against the work of another quite commonly deal with charges of overfactorization and underfactorization.
The general, in a confident mood because of recent military events, now called for an end to the pussyfooting policy being pursued with Bukarest.