Now, a new report from the anti-factory farming group Farm Forward seeks to outline the differences between independent and industry animal welfare labels and expose what it calls “humanewashing” among both types of groups. Like the now widely recognized practice of “greenwashing,” Farm Forward says that companies use humanewashing to deceive consumers who care about animal rights, leading them to believe animals were raised according to their expectations of humane treatment even when they were not.
I am happy to say the factor that turned the tide at L'eggs and Sara Lee headquarters in Winston-Salem and Chicago was the improved shoppability afforded by the new package design.
Getting a car tricked out like that will cost you 50 large.
The mythogeographies of Australian Aborigines, for example, recount the peregrinations of founding ancestors and civilizing heroes, who leave peoples, languages, and cultures in their wake (Berndt and Berndt 1970, 15-29).