
I merely add that after a short acquaintance between the Monkey and the Lioness, a Cat and Catess made their appearance to the great surprise and no small scandal of the whole social circle.[…]Anubis, worshipped since under the name of Mercury, was transformed into a Dog; Diana, who according to a learned Orientalist, is the same as the Egyptian Isis, took the form of a handsome Cat, or rather Catess.[…]One thing is certain that Isis was invoked as the Goddess of Love, and she was often represented under the form of a female Cat, or, more correctly speaking, a Catess.[…]Plutarch relates that they were comfortably lodged; the medical art was put in requisition for those that were ill, or of a delicate cosstitution, and at the proper period each Catess was provided with a Cat as help-meet, in the choice of which, the taste, disposition and figure of the respective parts were duly considered.


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