Along with sociologists and psychoanalysts, linganths study identity and, more and more frequently, the process of identification (Smith 2010) – of identifying with someone or as this or that (Kulick 2009).
Hence their ſacred Tables, ſome placed before the Images of their Gods in their Temples (as mention’d. Iſai. 65. 11. Ezek. 23. 41) and ſome ſet up for Libations, and other Idolatrous Uſes, in their Houſes: ſome call’d Tripods, with three Feet, ſome Tetrapods, with four; and ſome Monopods with one, in Manner of a Pillar:[…].
Whereby they discoursed in silence, and were intuitively understood from the theory of their expresses.
The use of grids coincided with the growth in computers, and soon there was fierce competition among the gridders over whose computer analysis was the best.